Tuesday 4 August 2009

Learn Skateboarding

To learn skateboarding there are a few things that you require, so let us run down the list and see if skateboarding is cut out for you.

1. Get a good skateboard, which for a beginner should be a fairly thick and wide board, as this will give you more solidity and balance. You may not be able to throw it around too much but thats not the issue at first, you want a board that you will not keep coming off.

2. Get kitted out with a skateboard helmet. This is your number 1 priority, dont even think about getting on your skateboard without a helmet. You can also get knee and wrist pads too.

3. Find a good, safe area to skateboard in, where there are not many objects to crash into, and where there arent a lot of people that you might bump into as well.

4. To learn skateboarding you need to get the basics of your technique sorted out first. So get practicing learning how to balance on your board. Push off down a hill and see how long you can keep your balance. Find which stance you feel the most comfortable.

5. Try out jumping onto the board and keeping your balance.

6. To learn skateboarding you will have to be prepared for the fact that you are going to fall off and hurt yourself from time to time. There is no way around it, but at least if you have your safety gear on you will minimise any damage done.

7. Practice putting your feet on the edge of your skateboard and making your board curve as you move.

8. Practice flipping the board up from the back and then catching the front of the board with the ball of your front foot as it rises, and keeping control.

These are a few starting points for when you learn skateboarding.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in 8 weeks or less there is no better guide than the Secrets of Skateboarding, which you can find by clicking on Skate Secrets

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Monday 3 August 2009

Having Fun Skateboarding

Here are my top 5 tips for having fun skateboarding. If you cant have fun skateboarding, you aint never gonna have any fun mon brave!! So here goes, lets see if I can give you a push in the right direction.

1. Let yourself go when you are skateboarding, have a blow out and a wild time. Put a smile on your face, rock and roll down that hill and give it everything you have got.
Dont think too much about it, just do it without any inhibitions and put yourself in the zone where the rest of your life cant touch you. I hope I am not gettin too hippy on you here!

2. This is the boring bit, but to have fun you have to wear a helmet. Yeah, but it isnt cool to end up on a life support machine with a brain that doesnt function proper cos you were too dumb to wear a helmet.

3. Get the basics down pat, so then you can improvise on the top of your good technique. Technique is vitally important, but once you have learnt the basic manoeuvres then you can really have fun.

4. Be creative, try out new moves. Try to think of a signature move that no one you know does. Push yourself to try out diferent things with your skateboard. Skateboarding can be an art form in the right hands.

5. Be sociable, get out with your mates when you are skateboarding and share the fun around. When you look back on your life you will find that all the best times you had, all the really great times you had, were when you shared things with other people, experiences and tribulations too.

So there we are, my guide to having fun skateboarding. Yeah a lot of it is tongue in cheek but there is a little bit of wisdom I like to think in there too.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in double quick time then you should click on Skate Secrets

Thursday 23 July 2009

How To Do Skateboarding Tricks

If you want to know how to do skateboarding tricks then step right this way and we will give you a few tips on how you can become an expert skateboarding trickster!

OK, well if you are just starting out skateboarding the key is not to get too far ahead of yourself. You have got to learn the basics first, and have them so they feel like second nature to you, before you attempt any intricate tricks.

Skateboarding is a discipline that you have to learn, you gotta get your technique nice and tight so that you are in control of the board at all times. The board should almost feel like an extension of your feet,and of course this does take time.

So you have to put some hours in to get into that zone where your body and your wheels are working in perfect co-ordination. Then you look at how to do skateboarding tricks.

Starting from scratch, work on getting your balance on the board. Stand on the stationary board and see how long you can keep your balance. Then push off with you back foot and step on and see how far you can roll along before you come off.
Practice jumping on the board and keeping your balance. Keep pushing your board to go a little faster each time, as you will find you can often keep your balance better the faster you are moving.

Try different positions on the board and see which feels the easiest for you. Bend your knees and your body forward to help with your balance and increase the speed.
Then try to slant your body and feet to one edge so as to curve your skateboard.

When you get down to how to do skateboarding tricks the first one you should learn is the ollie as this is the basis for many skateboarding tricks. This involves flipping the skateboard up from the back and jumping up and controlling the front with the other foot.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in double quick time then click on Skate Secrets

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Skateboarding Culture

Skateboarding culture has developed over the years, and is an extremely diverse fusion of surfing culture, punk culture, street culture, hip hop culture, and hard rock culture.

You can see all the different strands blend into what is a firmly entrenched skateboarding culture now. It has taken most of the cool elements from these genres and created its own identity.

Initially it relied heavily on surfing culture in the 1950`s and 60`s, due to the fact that skateboarding grew out of and from surfing. So it used many of the same slang terms, which are still used today, and the whole ethos was tied to the apron strings of surfing.

As punk culture grew, and skateboarding culture moved away from its roots to embrace this, skateboarding began to be seen as a rebel thing, and this was conveyed in its attitude and clothes. The punk influence is still there now, especially in the kind of t-shirts skaters wear.
As some punk morphed into hard rock forms this hard edge became noticeable.

More fusion came in when street culture embraced skateboarding, and so then you had the hip hop culture having a huge influence on it, from clothes, to how you wear your clothes, how you act and move. It is exciting to see all the different strands merge into this fantastic, strong identity that skateboarding now has.

Skateboarding culture is now a thriving and constantly evolving subculture, that has movement, clothes, music and attitude at the heart of it.
As music and clothes subtly change, then so do skateboarders looks change, although their identity now is an extremely strong look, and any changes from this will be a very gradual process.

If you want to learn how to skateboard in double quick time with the best guide on the internet for learning you tricks, click on Skate Secrets

Monday 13 July 2009

Great Skateboard Tricks From A 6 Year Old!!

Do you want to see some great skateboard tricks done by a 6 year old? I know it pains me to say it that when we are falling over on our backsides and losing our dignity, that a 6 year old can do these tricks, but it is true!

Have a look at this kid called Sebastian Kuhr who is doing some great skateboard tricks on this video at Skate Tricks

How cool is this kid?! He even comes from a cool place, Hermosa Beach in California. I mean I think that maybe beats Darwen in the wet and windy North of England where I reside hands down y`know.
Although I cant believe a Californian kid is cool enough to be into the Arctic Monkeys, which is on the soundtrack to the video. Methinks his dad might have had a hand in that one, although I am seriously impressed.

Anyways, about the video. Sebastian, or Seabass as he is known, does some great skateboard tricks on ramps, up and down steps and jumps. He performs, among others, a fakie bigspin and half cab, and a 6 stair ollie.

And joking aside it is worth watching him skate to learn some of these tricks, the positions he is in when going into the tricks, and how he executes them.
There is no doubt the younger you learn something the better it is to pick up, and also you dont seem to have any fear at a young age, at least that is what they tell me!

He obviously loves to skateboard, and competes in local skateboard contests. He can also snowboard to a high standard too.
There is nothing more to say than to say go over and watch the video of these great skateboard tricks, and maybe one day we can all be as good as him, though in my case I doubt it! The link is at Skate Tricks

Thursday 9 July 2009

Skateboard Ramp Tricks

In skateboard ramp tricks we are gonna look at the blunt to fakie trick. This may not mean a lot to you at this precise moment, but stick with me kid and I will fill in all the gaps for you.

The blunt to fakie skateboard ramp trick is when you go up the ramp until both your back wheels come over the rim of the ramp. It looks like you are going to come right over and off the ramp as you have hit the top of the ramp straight on with your skateboard, but instead you are going to come back down.

With this trick you need to have the ball of your back foot in the middle of the boards tail as your back wheels go over the top of the ramp, and you need to push forward on your front foot near the front of the board. This will give you some momentum and you can push back in with the ball of your foot on the tail, and so this will enable you to pop back in.

You give it a kind of bounce at the top of the ramp as you are just going to go right over the ramp, and that push back on the tail with your back foot helps you pop up so you can slide backwards down the ramp.

You have to make sure you hit the top of the ramp with your wheels straight upwards, otherwise this will not work and you will probably come to grief and fall.
You need quite a bit of momentum for this trick to succeed as both front and back wheels have to make themselves clear of the top of the ramp.

So there we have one of the skateboard ramp tricks. If you want to learn all of the skateboard tricks there are out there in 8 weeks or less then click on Skate Secrets

Tricks On Skatebords

OK, tricks on skateboards, let us look at how to do an ollie while moving, as opposed to doing an ollie while stationary----obviously!!

So your front foot should be around about in the middle of the board, and your back foot on the tail of your board. You push off with your back foot and then put your back foot on the tail, and push down on the tail with your back foot so the front pops up, and you slide your front foot forward, wait for the skateboard to even out in the air, and then you can drop the skateboard back down. The toes of your front foot should be over the front bolts when you are doing this, so that you can control the skateboard with that front foot.

You basically control the overall movement of the board with that front foot of yours, and to do that when you are pressing down on the board with your front foot to bring the board back down, you need to bend your knee forward, and also your body slightly forward, so that your weight is bearing down on that front foot.

The more you practice the better you will get at this, just like any other tricks on skateboards. The better you get, the more momentum you can carry into the moving ollie by pushing off harder, and then you can press harder onto the tail and get a higher jump on your skateboard.

It is not much harder than a stationary ollie, but you must take a little more care with your balance. Get your technique right, make sure your stance and positioning are perfect when you attempt this, and you will find it a whole lot easier.
Tricks on skateboards are always great fun, and as the ollie is the basis for many, many tricks, if you perfect this you will be really up and running.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in the book in 8 weeks or less then you must click on Skate Secrets